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ocean science中文是什么意思

用"ocean science"造句"ocean science"怎么读"ocean science" in a sentence


  • 海洋科学


  • Promoting our speciality of ocean sciences by bringing the characteristics of china university of geosciences into play
  • Therefore , in the development process of domestic and international ocean science , thermocline , particularly the seasonal thermocline , is always one of the main subjects
  • He said he was made feel at home by students at the national university of ireland in galway where he studied several subjects , including earth and ocean science , for the past four months
  • Resources and environment science concerns numerous subjects such as solid earth science , atmosphere science , ocean science , ecology , environment science , geographical science , remote sensing , and agriculture
  • Entering the new millennium , the ocean science community begins to establish a seafloor observatory network to explore and understand the temporal variability of ocean system including its physical , chemical , biological and geological processes
  • Ocean science and engineering research institute will this be the work of target , has already rather had own special features at the development of the realm , for example making salt , salt chemical engineering , ocean chemical engineering and make the salt machine etc . , already had accumulated a lot of research experience at the academic realm , such as seawater kinematics , oceanic chemistry and developments and using of its resources , hydrology geology of the coast , salt pan biology , water - salt system phase diagram , inorganic separation , crystallography and so on , and is utmost developing oceanic resources attains , at the same time , doing the resources circulation & reusing and reducing the environment pollution
  • This paper is based on the ocean science exploring ship of ocean 1 . beyond the work of analysis of ordinary dynamic positioning ( dp ) fuzzy controller , research on auto area keeping when inputs contain errors that ca n ' t be neglected , energy as index function , is probed into
  • It is firstly suggested by mu mu that nonlinear optimization method can be used to make sensitivity analysis of numerical model . but as one of nonlinear optimization problems in atmosphere and ocean science , it was very simply described in mu mu ' s paper and not verified by numerical experiment results
  • Several ocean scientists reported on the use of underwater gliders at the biannual ocean sciences meeting this week sponsored by the american geophysical union . " the ability to be in the ocean all the time and do it over a sustained period people are doing it now , " said oscar schofield , professor at the institute of marine and coastal science at rutgers university
    据美联社3月4日报道,美国新泽西州拉特格斯大学海洋和海岸科学中心的斯科菲尔德教授在会上说,这种水下滑翔机的最大特点是重量较轻价格便宜便于部署, “具备在水下全天候持续不断工作的能力” 。
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